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Air-Oil lubrication

In oil-air lubrication, a quantity of oilmetered volumetrically by a pump or distributor is pulled apart by a continuousair flow in a tube and carried along the tube wall in the direction ofcompressed-air flow. The quantity of oil is fed into the air flow in pulses ata mixing point .

A nearly continuous flow of oil is producedthat leaves the outlet nozzle as fine drops and is fed to the rolling bearingwithout contact. This means that the bearing housing is under a slightoverpressure, which keeps dirt away from the sensitive bearings. The carrierair leaves the bearing nearly free of oil. This concept creates no oil mist oroil fog, making it environmentally friendly as well. 

Oil-Air lubrication systems are designedprimarily for high speed bearings in machine tool spindles, chains and specialapplications in the steel industry. 


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