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Two-line Grease lubrication

Two-line centralized lubrication systems are chiefly used for the lubrication of machines and plant with a large numbers of lubrication points (up to over 2,000).
The lubrication system consists principally of the pump , one 4/2-way or two 3/2-way change-over valves , the two main feed lines, the distributors arranged close to the lubrication points, the lines leading to the lubrication points, switch gear at the line end, the pressure gauge unit and the controls. A pressure relief valve is required to protect the pump from over pressure.
It is used widely for Smelting plant, rolling mills, mining power stations, cement works, sugar refineries, breweries, construction machinery, etc.

鄂温| 怀集县| 常山县| 三门县| 临猗县| 宜宾市| 凌源市| 莱芜市| 桃园市| 宁海县| 临泽县| 武功县| 临西县| 和林格尔县| 红河县| 台湾省| 深水埗区| 甘德县| 满城县| 宁晋县| 怀柔区| 襄城县| 淳安县| 淮北市| 化德县| 衡山县| 宜兰市| 江门市| 乌海市| 岳阳县| 米脂县| 嘉义县| 吉林省| 崇阳县| 来凤县| 吉林市| 蒙城县| 郑州市| 修水县| 南陵县| 沈阳市| http://www.blv56.com http://www.55c8.com http://www.2fww.com http://www.klg169.com http://www.bxw000.com http://www.9420yy.com