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  • Avaiability:Avaiable in all kind of fastenings
  • Bore:from 40mm to 1400mm
  • Stroke:till 11000 mm (or longer for telescopic cylinders)
  • Rod:always with a high thickness chromium plating. Can be hardened, nickel plated, nitrided etc. according to request
  • Jackets:chrome plated or nitrided according to request
  • Cushioning:standard or special according to request
  • Feeding Ports:any kind avaiable (SAE - CETOP - GAS - NPT - etc)
  • Construction:completely steel-made or stainless steel made, aluminium alloy or other special materials
  • Accessories:On request: internal or external linear transducers, encoders, proximity sensors, control valves, balancing valves, securiry and maximum pressure valves
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